API documentation



class pynion.Manager[source]

The Manager class is a Singleton that crosses through the entire library. It is the main controller of the user’s preferences.


The class is instantiated at some point during the load of the library’s code. Thus, no parameters are passed to it. As any new instantiation will only call the initial instance, parameters cannot be passed afterward.

Although any attribute can be accessed through its given setter, default values can be assigned to the first initialization of Manager through a configuration file. The configuration file should have the following parameters:

stdout    = False
verbose   = False
debug     = False
detail    = False
overwrite = False
unclean   = False
logfile   =

name     = _info-project.json
config   = _config-project.json
pipeline = _pipeline-project.json

The user’s configuration file must then be linked to a system variable named PYNION_CONFIG_PY. Thus, the configuration file can be setted globally for all executions directly from bash,

export PYNION_CONFIG_PY=user.settings

Or specifically to a script by

import os
os.environ["PYNION_CONFIG_PY"] = 'user.settings'

BEFORE importing the Pynion library.

Regarding the different execution parameters in the configuration file:

  • stdout (bool) – Create a logging.StreamHandler for standard output.
  • verbose (bool) – Activate level verbose of logging report.
  • debug (bool) – Activate level debug of logging report. It also forces the activation of verbose.
  • detail (bool) – Activate level detail of logging report. It also forces the activation of debug, verbose and unclean.
  • overwrite (bool) – When True, allows overwriting existing files.
  • unclean (bool) – When True, avoids the deletion of temporary and empty files at the end of the execution.
  • logfile (bool) – When defined, it creates a logging.StreamHandler to a file with the provided name. If logfile = default or a directory, it creates a logfile with a predefined name that includes the name of the execution and the pid of the process.

Regarding the project parameters in the configuration file: (TODO)


Activate level verbose of logging report


Activate level debug of logging report. It also forces the activation of verbose.


Activate level detail of logging report. It also forces the activation of debug, verbose and unclean.


Avoids the deletion of temporary and empty files at the end of the execution.


Create a logging.StreamHandler for standard output.


Allows overwriting existing files.


Creates a logging.StreamHandler to a file.

Parameters:logname (str) – Name of the output logging file. If logname is a directory, it will create a logging file in that directory named by the name of the execution and its pid. Default value is current working directory.

Assess the status of the verbose logging level


Assess the status of the debug logging level


Assess the status of the detail logging level


Register a new temporary file.

Parameters:tempfile (str) – Name of the temporary file.
add_experiment_file(filename, action)[source]

Register a new experiment file.

  • filename (str) – Name of the experiment file.
  • action (str) – Open mode of the registered file (‘r’, ‘w’, ‘a’)
Adds a new citation from some code or other to be printed at the
end of the execution.
Parameters:citation (str) – Citation to strore

Generate a STDERR printed countdown when needed to wait for something.

Parameters:max_time (int) – Time to wait, in seconds.

Given a overwrite command, it evaluates it with the global overwrite configuration.

Parameters:overwrite (bool) – Particular overwrite status. Default is None
Returns:Final overwrite status
Return type:bool

Print verbose level information.

Parameters:mssg (str) – Message to relay through logging. If it is list, each position is treated as a new line.

Print debug level information.

Parameters:mssg (str) – Message to relay through logging. If it is list, each position is treated as a new line.

Print detail level information.

Parameters:mssg (str) – Message to relay through logging. If it is list, each position is treated as a new line.

Print warning.

Parameters:mssg (str) – Message to relay through logging. If it is list, each position is treated as a new line.

Print exceptions and quit.

Parameters:mssg (str) – Message to relay through logging. If it is list, each position is treated as a new line.


class pynion.File[source]

The File object is a factory object pattern that creates either a pynion.filesystem._filetypes.BaseFile, a pynion.filesystem._filetypes.CompressedFile or a pynion.filesystem._filetypes.ContainerFile.

  • file_name (str) – Name of the file.
  • action (str) – Action to perform to the file (‘r’, ‘w’, ‘a’, ‘t’).
  • overwrite (bool) – Specific overwrite policy over the file. By default, it uses the value of pynion.Manager overwrite.
  • temp (bool) – Register the file as a temporary file, which means that it will be erased at the end of the execution unless pynion.Manager clean is set to False.
  • pattern (str) – A pattern to match sections of the file name to attributes in the generated object.

pynion.errors.ffe.FileAccessError if asked for a file without the right user permissions.


pynion.errors.ffe.FileDirNotExistError if asked to write a file in a directory that does not exist.


pynion.errors.ffe.FileIsDirError if path is a directory.


pynion.errors.ffe.FileNotExistsError if asked to read a files that does not exists.


pynion.errors.ffe.FileOverwriteError if asked to write a file that already exist and own overwrite or pynion.Manager overwrite are False.


pynion.errors.ffe.FileWrongActionError when asked for an unknown action.


pynion.errors.ffe.FileWrongPatternIDError if names in the pattern match names of attributes that exist in the returned class.


pynion.errors.ffe.FileWrongPatternFormatError if the given pattern cannot be matched to the file name.


class pynion.filesystem._filetypes.BaseFile(file_name, action)[source]

The BaseFile pynion.Multiton is a file management object created directly through the py:class:pynion.File factory.

It specifically manages regular files.

Returns:Full path of the file
Return type:str
Returns:Full path containing directory
Return type:str
Returns:Name of the containing directory
Return type:str
Returns:Name of the file
Return type:str
Returns:Name of the file without extension
Return type:str
Returns:Name of the first section of the file
Return type:str
Returns:Name of the file’s extension
Return type:str
Returns:List of all the sections of the file name except the first one.
Return type:list
Returns:Descriptor of the stored file
Return type:str
Returns:File size
Return type:str
Returns:Dictionary with the pattern assigned sections of the file name.
Return type:dict
Returns:Check if the file descriptor is open
Return type:bool
Returns:Check if the file is set to write
Return type:bool
Returns:Check if the file is set to read
Return type:bool
Parameters:path (str) – Path to which the relative path is required.
Returns:Actual path relative to the query path
Return type:str

Open the file in the previously defined action type. :rtype: self

Raise:pynion.errors.fe.FileWrongRequestedActionError if opened in write mode.
Return type:File Descriptor
Raise:pynion.errors.fe.FileWrongRequestedActionError if opened in write mode.
Returns:One line of the file.
Return type:str

Retrieve all data in file as a JSON dictionary.

Raise:pynion.errors.fe.FileWrongRequestedActionError if opened in write mode.
Return type:dict

Write to the file

Raise:pynion.errors.fe.FileWrongRequestedActionError if opened in read mode.
Raise:pynion.errors.fe.FileWrongRequestedActionError if opened in read mode.

Close the file.


class pynion.filesystem._filetypes.CompressedFile(file_name, action, ctype)[source]

The CompressedFile pynion.Multiton is a file management object created directly through the py:class:pynion.File factory.

Extends pynion.filesystem._filetypes.BaseFile

It specifically manages compressed files.

Returns:Check if compression is gzip
Return type:bool
Returns:Check if compression is bzip
Return type:bool

Open the file in the previously defined action type. :rtype: self

Raise:pynion.errors.fe.FileWrongRequestedActionError if opened in read mode.


class pynion.filesystem._filetypes.ContainerFile(file_name, action, ctype)[source]

The CompressedFile pynion.Multiton is a file management object created directly through the py:class:pynion.File factory.

Extends pynion.filesystem._filetypes.BaseFile

It specifically manages compacted or compressed files with multiple files within.

Returns:Check if compression is gzip
Return type:bool
Returns:Check if compression is bzip
Return type:bool
Returns:Check if compression is zip
Return type:bool
Returns:Check if compression is tar
Return type:bool

Open the file in the previously defined action type. :rtype: self


Get a specific file from the file bundle.

Parameters:file_name (str) – Name of the query internal file.
Raise:pynion.errors.fe.FileContainerFileNotFound if query file is not in the bundle.
Return type:str

Query if file exists in the bundle.

Return type:bool
extract(target_file=None, target_dir='/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/pynion/checkouts/master/docs/source')[source]

Extract a specific file from the bundle.

  • target_file (str) – Query file to extract from the bundle. If None, all files contained
  • target_dir (str) – Directory to which to write the file. By default that is the current working directory

pyninon.errors.fe.FileContainerFailedExtraction if target_file not


Name of all files in the bundle.. :rtype: list


Number of lines in the file. :rtype: int


class pynion.Path(name)[source]

The Path pynion.Multiton is an extension (not an actual inheritance) from the pathlib.Path.


Initializes the Path object. If the directory does not exist, it is created.

Parameters:name (str) – name of the directory.
Raise:pynion.errors.pe.PathIsFile if the given name is a file.
Returns:Full path of the directory
Return type:str
Returns:Name of parent directory
Return type:str
Returns:Name of all parent directories
Return type:list
Returns:Name of the directory
Return type:str
Parameters:path (str) – Path to which the relative path is required.
Returns:Actual path relative to the query path
Return type:str

Create the directory of the path.

Command is ignored if the directory already exists. Required parent directories are also created.


List all the directories inside the requested path.

Parameters:rootless (bool) – When True, the directories are returned relative to the path. Full path otherwise.
Return type:iterator
list_files(pattern='*', avoid_empty_files=True, rootless=False)[source]

List all the files inside the requested path.

  • pattern (str) – Pattern to match the files (bash ls format).
  • avoid_empty_files (bool) – When True, empty files are omitted.
  • rootless (bool) – When True, the files are returned relative to the path. Full path otherwise.
Return type:


do_files_match(pattern='*', avoid_empty_files=True)[source]

Search if files inside the directory match a given pattern.

  • pattern (str) – Pattern to match the files (bash ls format).
  • avoid_empty_files (bool) – When True, empty files are omitted.
Return type:


compare_to(other, by_dir=True, by_file=False, as_string=False)[source]

Compare the directory to another path.

  • other (str) – Path to compare to.
  • by_dir (bool) – Comparison by directories.
  • by_file (bool) – Comparison by file. If True, overrides by_dir.
  • as_string (bool) – Formats the returned dict as a string.
Return type:


sync_to(other, by_dir=True, by_file=False)[source]

Sync from directory to another path.

  • other (str) – Path to sync with.
  • by_dir (bool) – Sync by directories.
  • by_file (bool) – Sync by file. If True, overrides by_dir.
sync_from(other, by_dir=True, by_file=False)[source]

Sync from another path to the directory.

  • other (str) – Path to sync with.
  • by_dir (bool) – Sync by directories.
  • by_file (bool) – Sync by file. If True, overrides by_dir.


class pynion.Executable(executable, path=None)[source]

Manages the execution of external programs.

  • executable (str) – name of the executable program
  • path (str) – path to the executable. Not needed if the executable is in the $PATH environment variable. Default is None

pynion.errors.xe.ExecutableNoExistsError if the executable does not exist


pynion.errors.xe.ExecutableNotInPathError if the path is None and the executable is not in the $PATH environment variable.


pynion.errors.xe.ExecutablePermissionDeniedrror if executable has no execution permission


Name of the executable.

Return type:str

Path to the executable.

Return type:str

Full command to execute.

Return type:list

Full executable with path.

Return type:str
add_attribute(attribute_value, attribute_id=None)[source]

Adds a new parameter to the command. Specifically for parameters with ‘tags’ like ‘-i’.


Adds a new stand alone parameter to the command.

Parameters:parameter (str) – value of the parameter to add

Removes all attributes and parameters added to the command.


Store a copy of the command up to that point to retrieve import afterwards.


Retrieve the backup command into the working command. The backup command is emptied.


Executes the commands.

Parameters:silent (bool) – If True, external program STDERR is shown through STDERR
Raises:SystemError if an error occurs in the external program.


Metaclasses in pynion are designed in order to help users develop their classes by adding a certain build behavior to the derived classes.


class pynion.Singleton[source]

The singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system.

As a metaclass, the pattern is applied to derived classes such as

from pynion import Singleton

class Foo(object):
    __metaclass__ = Singleton

    def __init__(self, bar):
        self.bar = bar

Derived classes can become parents of other classes. Classes inherited from a __metaclass__ = Singleton are also Singleton.


class pynion.Multiton[source]

The multiton pattern is a design pattern similar to the singleton. The multiton pattern expands on the singleton concept to manage a map of named instances as key-value pairs. This means that rather than having a single instance per application the multiton pattern instead ensures a single instance per key.

As a metaclass, the pattern is applied to derived classes through the __metaclass__. By default, the key attribute of the multiton is either:

  • the __init__() named argument name or
  • the first argument of __init__() if not named.

The default named argument can be changed by adding the class attribute _IDENTIFIER

from pynion import Multiton

class Foo(object):
    __metaclass__ = Multiton
    _IDENTIFIER   = 'newID'  # by default this will be 'name'

    def __init__(self, newID):
        self.id = newID

Derived classes can become parents of other classes. Classes inherited from a __metaclass__ = Multiton are also Multiton, although their _IDENTIFIER can be changed.


Abstract classes in pynion are designed in order to help users develop their classes by adding a set of default functions and properties.


class pynion.JSONer[source]

The abstract class JSONer adds to its descendants the required functions in order to export/import any given object as json. This can be useful to share the data between different languages or simply to store pre-calculated data.

to_json(unpicklable=True, readable=False, api=False)[source]

Export the object to a json formated string.

  • unpicklable (bool) – When False the resulting json cannot be reloaded as the same object again. Makes the json smaller.
  • readable (bool) – When flattening complex object variables to json, this will include a human-readable version together with the stored json. See jsonpickle on how to flatten and restore complex variable types. It does not affect the conversion of the json string into the object again.
  • api (bool) – When flattening complex object variables to json, this will substitute the compressed data by the human readable version. Although it might allow for the conversion of the json into the object, some attributes will become their simplest representation. For example, a numpy array will be reloaded a a simple python array.

a json representation of the object

Return type:


to_dict(unpicklable=True, readable=False, api=False)[source]

Export the object to a json as a dictionary.

  • unpicklable (bool) – When False the resulting json cannot be reloaded as the same object again. Makes the json smaller.
  • readable (bool) –

    When flattening complex object variables to json, this will include a human-readable version together with the stored json. See jsonpickle on how to flatten and restore complex variable types. It does not affect the conversion of the json string into the object again.

  • api (bool) –

    When flattening complex object variables to json, this will substitute the compressed data by the human readable version. Although it might allow for the conversion of the json into the object, some attributes will become their simplest representation. For example, a numpy array will be reloaded a a simple python array.


a json dictionary object

Return type:


classmethod from_json(json_data)[source]

Given a json-formated string, it recreates the object.

Parameters:json_data (str) – json-formated string.
Returns:an instance of the caller object type.
Return type:object instance
classmethod from_dict(json_dict)[source]

Given a json dictionary, it recreates the object.

Parameters:json_dict (dict) – json dictionary.
Returns:an instance of the caller object type.
Return type:object instance


Decorators in pynion are designed in order to provide extra functionality
to selected classes and functions.



The extendable class decorators provides the methods to allow the controlled addition and retrieval of attributes to the class.

The recipie for overwritting the __init__ method is adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/682242/2806632