Source code for pynion.filesystem.path

import os
import pathlib
import shutil

from ..          import Multiton
from ..          import Manager
from import PathIsFile as PIF

m = Manager()

[docs]class Path(object): """ The **Path** :py:class:`pynion.Multiton` is an extension (not an actual inheritance) from the :py:class:`pathlib.Path`. """ __metaclass__ = Multiton _IDENTIFIER = 'name' def __init__(self, name): """.. py:method:: __init__(name) Initializes the Path object. If the directory does not exist, it is created. :param str name: name of the directory. :raise: :py:class:`` if the given name is a file. """ self.dname = pathlib.Path(name) if self.dname.is_file(): raise PIF(self.full) if not self.dname.is_dir(): self.mkdir() ############## # ATTRIBUTES # ############## @property def full(self): """ :return: Full path of the directory :rtype: str """ return str(self.dname.resolve()) @property def parent(self): """ :return: Name of parent directory :rtype: str """ return str(self.dname.resolve().parent) @property def parents(self): """ :return: Name of all parent directories :rtype: list """ return self.dname.resolve().parents @property def name(self): """ :return: Name of the directory :rtype: str """ return str( ########### # METHODS # ###########
[docs] def relative_to(self, path = pathlib.Path.cwd()): """ :param str path: Path to which the relative path is required. :return: Actual path relative to the query path :rtype: str """ return self.dname.relative_to(path)
[docs] def mkdir(self): """ Create the directory of the path. Command is ignored if the directory already exists. Required parent directories are also created. """ if self.dname.is_dir(): m.warning('The directory {0} already exists.'.format(self.full)) else: self.dname.mkdir(parents = True)'Creating directory {0}'.format(self.full))
[docs] def list_directories(self, rootless = False): """ List all the directories inside the requested path. :param bool rootless: When :py:data:`True`, the directories are returned relative to the path. Full path otherwise. :rtype: iterator """ def list_dir(path): for x in path.iterdir(): if x.is_dir(): yield x for y in list_dir(x): yield y for x in list_dir(self.dname): yield self._rootless(x, rootless)
[docs] def list_files(self, pattern = '*', avoid_empty_files = True, rootless = False): """ List all the files inside the requested path. :param str pattern: Pattern to match the files (bash ls format). :param bool avoid_empty_files: When :py:data:`True`, empty files are omitted. :param bool rootless: When :py:data:`True`, the files are returned relative to the path. Full path otherwise. :rtype: iterator """ search_patterns = [] if not isinstance(pattern, list): search_patterns.append(pattern) else: search_patterns = pattern for pat in search_patterns: for x in self.dname.rglob(pat): if not x.is_file(): continue if not avoid_empty_files or x.stat().st_size > 0: m.detail('Found file {0} with pattern {1}'.format(x, pat)) yield self._rootless(x, rootless)
[docs] def do_files_match(self, pattern = '*', avoid_empty_files = True): """ Search if files inside the directory match a given pattern. :param str pattern: Pattern to match the files (bash ls format). :param bool avoid_empty_files: When :py:data:`True`, empty files are omitted. :rtype: bool """ for x in self.list_files(pattern = pattern, avoid_empty_files = avoid_empty_files): return True return False
[docs] def compare_to(self, other, by_dir = True, by_file = False, as_string = False): """ Compare the directory to another path. :param str other: Path to compare to. :param bool by_dir: Comparison by directories. :param bool by_file: Comparison by file. If :py:data:`True`, overrides *by_dir*. :param bool as_string: Formats the returned dict as a string. :rtype: dict """ other, by_dir = self._prepare_comparisson(other, by_file) content = {self.full: [], other.full: []} full = {} if by_dir: for onedir in self.list_directories(rootless = True): content[self.full].append(onedir) content[other.full].append(None) full[onedir] = len(content[self.full]) - 1 for onedir in other.list_directories(rootless = True): if onedir in full: content[other.full][full[onedir]] = onedir else: content[self.full].append(None) content[other.full].append(onedir) elif by_file: for onedir in self.list_files(rootless = True): content[self.full].append(onedir) content[other.full].append(None) full[onedir] = len(content[self.full]) - 1 for onedir in other.list_files(rootless = True): if onedir in full: content[other.full][full[onedir]] = onedir else: content[self.full].append(None) content[other.full].append(onedir) if not as_string: return content else: data = [self.full + '\t' + other.full] for c in range(len(content[self.full])): c1 = str(content[self.full][c]) c2 = str(content[other.full][c]) data.append(c1 + '\t' + c2) return '\n'.join(data)
[docs] def sync_to(self, other, by_dir = True, by_file = False): """ Sync from directory to another path. :param str other: Path to sync with. :param bool by_dir: Sync by directories. :param bool by_file: Sync by file. If :py:data:`True`, overrides *by_dir*. """ other, by_dir = self._prepare_comparisson(other, by_file) diff = self.compare_to(other, by_dir, by_file) for i in range(len(diff[self.full])): if diff[other.full][i] is None: source = self.dname / diff[self.full][i] destination = other.dname / diff[self.full][i] Path._copy(source, destination, by_file)
[docs] def sync_from(self, other, by_dir = True, by_file = False): """ Sync from another path to the directory. :param str other: Path to sync with. :param bool by_dir: Sync by directories. :param bool by_file: Sync by file. If :py:data:`True`, overrides *by_dir*. """ other, by_dir = self._prepare_comparisson(other, by_file) diff = self.compare_to(other, by_dir, by_file) for i in range(len(diff[self.full])): if diff[self.full][i] is None: source = other.dname / diff[other.full][i] destination = self.dname / diff[other.full][i] Path._copy(source, destination, by_file)
#################### # METHODS: PRIVATE # #################### @staticmethod def _copy(source, destination, by_file): if os.path.exists(str(destination)): return m.debug('Copy {0} to {1}'.format(str(source), str(destination))) if not by_file: shutil.copytree(str(source), str(destination)) elif by_file: if not destination.parent.exists(): destination.parent.mkdir(parents = True) shutil.copyfile(str(source), str(destination)) def _prepare_comparisson(self, other, by_file): if isinstance(other, basestring): other = Path(other) elif isinstance(other, pathlib.Path): other = Path(str(other.resolve())) return other, not by_file def _rootless(self, path, rootless): if path is None: return 'None' if not rootless: return str(path) else: return str(path.relative_to(self.dname))