Source code for pynion.decorators.accepts

# -*-
# @author: jaumebonet
# @email:
# @url:
# @date:   2016-02-16 18:40:22
# @last modified by:   jaumebonet
# @last modified time: 2016-02-16 19:34:44
# -*-
import json
from ..main.manager import Manager

m = Manager()

class ParameterTypeError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, pname, pexpected):
        self._pname = pname
        self._pexpt = pexpected

    def __str__(self):
        return 'arg {0._pname} does not match {0._pexpt}'.format(self)

[docs]def accepts(**types): """Allows to assert the type of the parameters of a function/method. One can specify, by name, only those parameters that expects to be checked. Special cases: * If the parameter is defined as "json" it will be checked for (str, dict) * If the parameter is defined as "json_dict" it will be checked for (str, dict) but it will ensure that it is passed to the function as dict * If the parameter is defined as "json_str" it will be checked for (str, dict) but it will ensure that it is passed to the function as string Usage as :: from pynion import accepts @accepts(int, (int,float)) def func(arg1, arg2): return arg1 * arg2 Adapted from """ def check_accepts(f): def new_f(*args, **kwds): for i, v in enumerate(args): kwds[f.func_code.co_varnames[i]] = v args = [] for k, v in kwds.iteritems(): if k not in types: continue if not isinstance(types[k], str) and not isinstance(v, types[k]): raise ParameterTypeError(k, types[k]) if isinstance(types[k], str): tagname = types[k] if tagname.startswith("json"): if isinstance(v, (str, dict)): if tagname == "json_dict": if isinstance(v, str): kwds[k] = json.loads(v) if tagname == "json_str": if isinstance(v, dict): kwds[k] = json.dumps(v) else: raise ParameterTypeError(k, types[k]) ignored = set(types.keys()) ignored.difference_update(set(kwds.keys())) for nonparam in ignored: m.warning("specified parameter {0} not in function".format(nonparam)) return f(*args, **kwds) new_f.func_name = f.func_name return new_f return check_accepts